Our Research
Analysing social change. Together.
Changing patterns of care and socialisation
Parenting, motherhood and fatherhood
Family dynamics and structure
The impact of technology, media and social transformation on children and families
How family, employment and biographical transitions are structured
The impact of social changes on youth
Changing communities
Inequality and social justice
How structural and intersecting inequalities mediate social change
Evolving inequalities and struggles in relation to gender, class, race and ethnicity, region, housing and homelessness, disablism, sexuality, etc.
New forms of political contestation and activism
Memory, recognition of historical wrongs and restitution
Citizenship, migration and pluralism
Social activism as a response to and driver of social change
Political change and new political challenges
Shifting political identities and movements
Political violence
Political extremism, right-wing, and left-wing movements
Political protest from the margins
Emerging and intensifying social challenges: Climate change, population movements, populism
Economy, welfare and public administration
Governance and trust in institutions
Changes in employment, unemployment and work
Consumption and popular culture
Shifting ideologies and challenges in public administration and the delivery of social services
Street-level bureaucracy
Cultural change
Changes in social values, beliefs, norms and social practices
Trends in religiosity, religious and spiritual change, movements and practices directed at finding meaning
Cultural production and identity in the contemporary era
Identity change. Culture, subculture, social movements, alterity
Creativity and creative work as a driver of social change